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After each treatment you have time to relax in the SPA area. You may also enjoy the comfort on the SPA terrace on a sunny day and breathe in the good air at altitude. This way your treatment can proceed.


If you are unable to attend, please cancel 24 hours in advance, otherwise you will be charged for your appointment.


classic massage 

By kneading, stroking, rubbing, tapping and feathering, different areas of the skin will be activated. Tension is released and toxins are removed by stimulating the lymphatic flow.

Image by Toa Heftiba

therapeutic massage

The therapy promotes the physiological processes to come into homeostasis. Muscular tension, tense ligaments and tissue adhesions are released.

Acupressure neck massage

functional nerve mobilisation

The nervous system overrides the entire body. It controls various activities in the body: the muscular system and the organs. It also assists with recording, processing, and storing information.


lymph drainage 

The aim of manual lymph drainage (ML) and complex physical decongestion therapy (CPD) is to improve or restore disturbed lymphatic drainage. 


visceral therapy

The organs: Relationship of the organs and the musculoskeletal system is the basis of visceral therapy. We feel well and are healthy when our organs are functioning properly. 



Holistic method means "teaching of movement". All living things are in motion. Movement brings about a flow, whether in life or in the body, both on a physical and psychological level.

Foot reflexology massage

foot reflexology massage

The feet are a mirror of the body. This is the basis of the foot reflex zone massage. With special grip techniques, fine, differentiated impulses are applied to the reflex zones, which are then transferred to the associated parts of the body.

Shoulder massage

manual pain therapy

The muscle loops and fasciae: In orthodox medicine, the spine is considered the central supporting organ of the human body and the protective covering for the spinal cord. 


bioptron light & colour therapy

Color and light therapy use the colors of the light spectrum to address the root causes of ailments. The body's energy centers are balanced, and the body's own healing process is improved.

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